all picks
Global climate change basics
Read the information, look at the videos, and then try the quizes and interactive activities.

Rocks and the rock cycle (Bitesize)
Details of different types of rocks, weathering and rock cycle. You can watch the video if you click on activity and then try the test.

Climate kids : NASA
Attractive site with games, videos and many other sources of information on climate change, greenhouse effect, and more.

Oil formation and trapping
Find out about oil formation and trapping with these 2 animated slides.

Changes in the environment (Bitesize)
Read through the explanation about the greenhouse effect. Then try the activity and test.

What causes acid rain?
Read through the information and watch the slide show on the causes and prevention of acid rain. Then try a quiz or crossword.

The air quality archive
What causes air pollution? What are the effects of air pollution? What is the air quality like in your area? This website has all the answers.

Doc's Brown's quiz on environmental chemistry
Random multiple choice quiz covering environmental chemistry.

Crossword puzzle on environmental chemistry
Crossword puzzle on environmental chemistry. There is a larger harder version available.

I'm alright, Jack - climate change game
A game of consequences illustrating how our activities impact the environment, particularly relating to climate change

Acid rain games and activities
Games, activities and stories designed to underline the causes and prevention of acid rain.

Planet under pressure
The BBC's environmental science website covering areas such as climate change, air pollution, biodiversity and energy resources. Includes (hard) quizzes, animations, images and videos.

NASA: global climate change
Website all about global climate change: evidence, causes and effects. Also videos clips and other resources.

Climate hot map
Click on the map to find out about global warming hotspots. What is the closest fingerprint to your home?

Calculate your carbon footprint
Use the calculator to work out your carbon footprint.

Acid rain lake
Follow the prompts and see what happens to the lake as the acidity increases.

Upd8: Sulphur - guilty or innocent?
Use the information given, and your own research, to prepare a case for or against sulphur.

Carbon calculator
Add information about your home or school to calculate your carbon footprint.

Ecokids: climate change
Try these interactive activities and quizes on climate change.

Climate change: a quick guide
Detailed climate change resource page, with facts and figures and links to many other resources and web sites.

Cycles of the Earth system.
Web pages that explain how nutrients and other things are recycled.

Earth under fire: global warming
Find a picture that shows signs of global warming. Write a minute speech to say what it shows.

Water pollution
Everything you could want to know about water pollution.

Earth science and the rock cycle
Information about the rock cycle, Earth structure, plate tectonics and much more.

Energy and the environment
You can use this site to find out about global warming.

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