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Food chains video clip (BBC Bitesize)
An interactive video clip which describes food chains, pyramids of number and biomass, and energy flow through feeding relationships.

Pollution video clip (BBC Bitesize)
A video clip which explains how pollution is caused, and what some of the effects are on the environment and ecosystems.

Carbon cycle video clip (BBC Bitesize)
An interactive video clip which explains the importance of carbon and the way it is cycled.

Predator-prey cycling
A graph and animation show how the numbers of predators in an ecosystem affects the number of prey (and the reverse).

Global warming (BBC Bitesize)
Read all about the greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change. Then try the test!

The Meatrix
Click here to watch The Meatrix, a short video highlighting the problems with intensive farming.

Food chains (BBC Bitesize)
Organims survive by feeding upon one another (interdependence). These relationships can be shown in food chains, and pyramids of number and biomass.

Parasitism and mutualism (BBC Bitesize)
Animals that live on a host are called parasites. Others animals live in mutualistic relationships where they and their host benefit.

The carbon cycle (BBC Bitesize)
This webpage uses text and a slideshow to explain how carbon is converted from one form to another in a cycle.

The nitrogen cycle
This webpage uses text and a slideshow to explain how nitrogen is converted from one form to another in a cycle.

Sampling ecosystems (BBC Bitesize)
A description of the specific methods scientists use for counting the numbers of organisms in ecosystems.

Endangered species (BBC Bitesize)
Learn about examples of endangered species, why there are so few of them and what we can do about it.

Pollution (BBC Bitesize)
Air and water pollution results from many human activities. The effects of this pollution on our ecosystem are described.

Organic farming (BBC Bitesize)
Read this page to learn how organic farming is different from intensive farming and the advantages and drawbacks of it.

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