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TES iboard.Collect data from the class and enter it in a pictogram. Which eye colour is the most/least common? Hold a class investigation, e.g. 'Which eye colour is the most/least common?' Invite observations and draw out conclusions from the data.

2 minute video clip where Italian, American, Irish and Japanese people describe the special features of their own faces.

2 minute video clip of Sesame Street - Zoe demonstrates

All animals produce young which must be cared for by the parents. We see a snake and an ostrich hatching from an egg. Not all young animals look like their parents. A baby ladybird and a tadpole are shown as examples of animals which do not look like their parents

This clip can be used as an example of how twins can look the same or different. It models clearly how we gain different aspects of our looks from different family members. This clip would be great to show a class if you do not have identical or non identical twins in school. A discussion could follow as to which of our features we have inherited from our mother, father or further back in the family (grandparents).

Drag the baby animal to its parent. What features are similar when comparing the adult to the baby? Can then ask staff/ children to bring in baby photos- can they match to the older version? How do we change as we get older?

BBC Bitesize resource explaining the characteristics of mammals.

The early scientific concept of living/non-living can be explored using this open sorting activity. Help pupils make observations about the characteristics of the objects that can be collected or noted on a

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