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An activity booklet for 5-12 year olds. Through the activities suggested in this pack children are introduced to the world of invertebrates (minibeasts).

This Primary Pack, for Key Stage 2 (ages 8-11), is a series of worksheets and teacher’s notes based around the desert locust

Living things, such as rabbits and micro-organisms, need food and water to grow and reproduce. In these games you can control the temperature and how much food and moisture is available.

A simple activity spotting living organisms, reading more about them and using them to make 2 different food chains for woodland and pond.

Clear information about producers, consumers, predators and prey. Interactive game and films exploring land and sea food chains. Quiz available

Students take on the role of a new born dinosaur. They move around the virtual world, choosing which prey to eat, which predators to avoid and attempt to progress to a full grown adult. A very good demonstration to how difficult survival is! Lots of links to other evolution / survival games. Selection of yes to 'maternal care' question is crucial to students surviving early stages of the game.

Click on the Food Chains link to reach an interactive activity in which pupils can find out about food chains in 3 different habitats: woodland, seashore and river.

Simple flash-based activity on food chains in a pond ecosystem. There are several drag-and-drop activities.

Three clear graded Flash activities on food chains, producers and consumers, predators and prey.

Teachers' domain lesson plan with handouts and links to useful 3 minute 'decomposers' video and flash 'energy flow' animation. Voice overs are American with band music background. Limited use website with only 10 uses.

A thought experiment from 'Active Assessment: thinking, learning and assessment in science ' on the millgate House Education website, useful for discussion and formative assessment.

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