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A pack of lesson plans that can be downloaded, together with video clips from the BBC children's science show that are linked to each lesson. The pack has worksheets and suggested activities for KS3 and 4.

A pack of lesson plans and linked video clips from the lectures, which can be used to teach a variety of science concepts.

Access to over 2,000 downloadable research-informed online lectures, lecture slides, images, animations, films, all licensed for educational use focused around plants.

A short video clip which explains Darwin's theory of evolution.

A short video clip that explains the process of evolution.

This practical activity is well set-out and explained. It allows students to investigate adaptation by modelling beak type and the ability to take advantage of available food sources. The work clearly links with Darwin’s observations on finch beaks, and so can be used to illustrate adaptation and natural selection. Students instructions and teacher guidance are included.

Free posters from the Linnean Society to download (or order printed copies) on biodiversity, conservation, classification and evolution.

Historical perspective on the impact of Charles Darwin, Alfred Russell Wallace, Henry Walter Bates and Robert Brown.

A downloadable animation for natural selection which allows you to alter the predators, prey, mutation rate and environmental conditions for a group of rabbits.

An introduction to classification, from kingdoms to species.

The term 'species' is defined, using dogs as an example.

A description of continuous and discontinuous variation.

An explanation of how inherited and environmental factors can cause variation.

A description of Darwin's theory of evolution.

A very detailed website which fully explains many aspects of classification. Much text and no interaction.

These animated slides come with an audio commentary. They describe Darwin’s development of the theory of evolution through natural selection. Beak type in Darwin’s Finches are used as an example of natural selection and evolution. The use of the fossil record to support evolution is explained. Peppered moth variation and the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria are used as examples of evolution in action. The controversy caused by Darwin’s theory is discussed and this can be used to illustrate discussion and debate in science.

Descriptions of the main types of insects and information on how to identify them.

Table of information describing the classes and order of insects.

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