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An online lesson plan, supported by video clips, which includes the extraction, properties and uses of metals.

An online lesson plan, supported by video clips, which shows you how to make and test various adhesives.

An online lesson plan, supported by video clips, which explains how friction and intermolecular forces help us to understand how gecko feet work.

An online lesson plan, supported by video clips, which includes the structure and properties of concrete and other composites.

A video clip that explains how stealth materials designed for the defence industry have been used in wind turbines.

An online store that sells a variety of smart materials for use in demonstrations and practical activities.

A series of pages that cover reversible reactions, dynamic equilibrium, the effect of changing concentration, pressure and temperature, and then the contact process.

An entertaining and comprehensive cartoon which covers ions, electrolysis, purification of copper and the chlor-alkali industry.

An entertaining cartoon which summarises the uses of limestone, including thermal decomposition. There is a quiz at the end.

An entertaining cartoon that summarises reversible reactions, dynamic equilibrium, exothermic and endothermic reactions and the Haber process.

A variety of quizzes on equilibria, the Haber process and nitric acid.

A selection of quizzes on limestone and limestone products.

Four pages that summarise the thermal decomposition of limestone, the uses of limestone and the uses of limestone products.

Three pages that describe the structure and properties of three allotropes of carbon.

A concise summary of nanotechnology.

Three pages that summarise the chlor-alkali industry with a quiz at the end.

This page, and the one that follows it, contain a concise summary of the process of fermentation.

These four pages contain a comprehensive summary of the Haber process and the uses of ammonia.

Two pages that summarise paints and pigments, including colloids, thermochromic pigments and phosphorescent pigments.

A concise but comprehensive summary of materials used in the construction industry, including limestone and reinforced concrete.

A page of revision notes that summarises how electrolysis is used to purify copper and to process brine.

A comprehensive but wordy summary of hard and soft water.

A simple summary of the basics of the structure of a detergent molecule and how they work.

A series of pages that revises temporary and permanent hardness, testing for hardness and methods for softening water.

A series of pages that summarise the details of fats, emulsions and how to make soap.

A summary of the Haber process and an explanation of the factors that affect yield.

Linked pages which explain what fertilisers are, how they are made and what eutrophication is.

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