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A pack of lesson plans that can be downloaded, together with video clips from the BBC children's science show that are linked to each lesson. The pack has worksheets and suggested activities for KS3 and 4.

Linnean Society practical activities on discovering DNA - well set out resources, also has links to biotechnology.

Multimedia guide to cancer biology

A short video clip which describes the structure and function of DNA.

A short video clip which explains the process of inheritance.

A short but excellent video clip which introduces DNA, protein synthesis and the HGP.

A webpage with links to science teaching resources, including worksheets, video clips and animations. General ones include a bingo card generating tool and graph drawing applications. Specific resources are found for human body systems and protein synthesis.

Although a well-established practical, this version of the extraction of DNA from cheek cells or plant material is well-presented and thorough. Comprehensive teacher guidance and students notes are provided.These contain accessible information on the discovery, structure and replication of DNA. The materials also consider issues such as cloning and genetic engineering.

A paper on genetics in medicine - extra information for students interested in genetics and its implications for medicine.

Paper that describes interaction between genetics and medicine - good information for reading around the subject for interested students.

Called the 'Sex ID test' by the BBC as part of the series 'Secrets of the sexes', this page tries to assign a gender to people's brains.

An online test to see if stress is caused by genes or lifestyle. Provides tips for improving mental wellbeing.

One page focussed upon what DNA, genes and chromosomes are and how they are related.

One page focussed upon how gender is detemined in a fertilised ovum.

Detail regarding red-green colour blindness, sickle cell anaemia and cystic fibrosis. Genetic testing is discussed.

BBC Scotland's nine page section on inheritance is comprehensive and detailed. Phenotypes, genotypes and monohybrid crosses are covered.

Students select key genetic words from a drop down list. They can then listen to a scientist describe the term or read about it on screen. The detail here is high and the number of terms is large. The letter 'A' has ten terms including 'ACGT', 'AIDS', 'Adenine', and 'Allele'.

A set of slides with commentary that describe DNA and genes in the nucleus, before looking at the process of genetic engineering. Examples illustrate the uses of genetic engineering including pest-resistant crops and the production of human insulin from modified. A quiz allows students to test their knowledge and an opinions section can be used to stimulate debate on the use of genetic engineering.

Glossary of key terms for genetics.

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