top picks
Hotter or colder
Game in which kids estimate temperatures of e.g. a freezer, melting ice. An entertaining introductory activity to the use of melting and boiling points to separate mixtures

Conductors and insulators (Bitesize)
Learn about heat conductors and insulators and what they are used for.

Thermal energy transfer (Bitesize)
Find out about conduction, convection and radiation on this animated page.

How does heat energy move?
Find out about conduction, convection and radiation on this animated page.

Heat and temperature (Bitesize)
Find out about temperature and heat.

Hot spots (Science Snack experiment)
Find out how radiated energy can be focused like light.

Heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation
Find out about conduction, convection and radiation with this animated interactive activity.

Temperature game
Can you matching objects to their temperature?

Launch ball game from the Science Museum
This is an absolutely fantastic site. Packed with brilliant puzzles and games to play and create for your friends. Highly recommended.

Blockbusters quiz on heat and conduction
Click on the letters and answer the questions - try to make it across the board!

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