top picks
Your weight on other worlds
Check your weight on any planet and find out why it differs.

Science of Cycling - Aerodynamics
Find out about aerodynamic drag on the cyclist.

Stopping distance PowerPoint
Three page slideshow summary of this learning objective. Very short but still quite useful

Goal Shots
A new interactive game tackling the interpretation of distance/time graphs in the context of a football match.

Forces in action from BBC Schools
Find out about the forces acting on a toy car with this interactive activity.

Kung Fu Science
Explore the physics behind Kung Fu with this very visual multimedia site. Some quite difficult science for this age group but might inspire some.

Amusement park physics
Find out more about the physics of amusement park rides. Look carefully, there are some of interactive activities to do.

Take a walk!
Investigate the effect of different surfaces on friction, an online experiment.

Fix the Space Station game
Use jets of gas to control a cosmonaut in space. Beware! Things move differently in space where there is no gravity.

Newton in action - friction
Watch these 4 short videos on friction.

Bitesize: Basic Forces
Work out how to avoid disaster in the gynastics event using your ideas about forces

Balanced and unbalanced forces
Find out about balanced and unbalanced forces with this animated interactive site. Can you save parkworld by using your learning?

Bitesize: What are forces?
Explore pages 1 - 3, carry on going if you like!

Bitesize: Balanced forces
Explore pages 5 and 6

Bitesize: Unbalanced forces
Revise unbalanced forces,

Stop that car!
Click the Start button then click Brake when the light turns red to see your thinking and braking distances.

Bitesize: Frictional forces
Read all about frictional forces. Then try the activity and do the test!

Bitesize: Forces Game
Use your knowledge of air resistance, balanced forces and gravity to help Carrie diffuse the situation.

Bitesize: Fricion
Use your knowledge of friction to get MI High's Carrie to the Invigatron before Beryl 'The Beefcake' Bagshot steals it!

Forces and Motion: Basics Animation
Play tug of war, then look at the effect of different forces and friction on different objects.

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