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Sexual and asexual reproduction video clip (BBC Bitesize)
An interactive video clip that explains the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction (also called cloning).

Germination video clip (BBC Bitesize)
The four different factors that affect germination and plant growth are explained in this video clip.

Photosynthesis video clip (BBC Bitesize)
Photosynthesis and some of the factors that affect the rate at which it happens are explained in this video clip and list of key points.

Diffusion (BBC Bitesize)
A description of osmosis using an animation and a rap. Examples of where diffusion occur in the human body are given.

Osmosis (BBC Bitesize)
A description of osmosis using an animation and a rap.

Active transport (BBC Bitesize)
An animation and key points which describe the process of active transport.

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