top picks
Blockbuster quiz on Waves
Click on the letters and answer the questions - try to make it across the board!

Waves activity (BBC Bitesize)
Watch the animation on conductionwave propaerties and wave speed. then do the quiz!

Waves (BBC Bitesize)
Read all about wave properties and wave speed. Then try the activity and do the test!

Ultrasond and infrasound (BBC Bitesize)
Read all about ultrasound and infrasound and their uses. Then try the activity and do the test!

Wireless signals activity (BBC Bitesize)
Watch the animation on the uses of radio and microwaves for communication, and digital and analogue signals.

Waves and wave properties activities
Read all about waves then try out the animations by clicking on them.

Sound waves and interference of sound using interactive animations (PhET)
Run the simulation. This simulation lets you see sound waves. Adjust the frequency or volume and you can see and hear how the wave changes. Move the listener around and hear what she hears.

Echolocation (Kitchen Science)
Follow the instructions to use microphones and a laptop with Audacity to show how ultrasound scanning works.

How you can show your mobile phone uses microwaves
A video showing how you can show that your mobile phone uses microwaves.

Ray diagrams for plane mirrors
How to construct ray diagrams for plane mirrors

Step by step ray diagrams for convex lenses
How to construct a ray diagram step-by-step for converging lenses.

Moving Targets The Doppler effective interactive
Launch the interactive to find out about the Doppler Effect using sound and moves on to redshift from stars.

Find out what happens when sound waves interfere... and hear it too! Choose two source interference and move the person around between the speakers.

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